The Florida Keys Democrats fight for Democratic candidates and legislation in Monroe County, Florida.
128 miles of blue ocean, blue sky, and blue voters.
Florida Keys Democrats Values
The Florida Keys Democrats recognize we live, work, and play in a unique place. There is no other geography like the Keys anywhere in America. In all ways, we support a Keys economy that allows our residents to succeed. Our unique environment is the key reason residents and visitors value the Florida Keys.
We support an equal-access public educational system that produces students fully prepared for colleges and universities or trade schools anywhere in the country. The Florida Keys Democrats also support the reintroduction of civics into the basic curriculum. It is important for everyone to learn how our political institutions function, and how to engage as active, informed citizens in a democratic society.
We believe everyone should have the security that comes with good healthcare, and they should not have to declare bankruptcy because they get sick. We are proponents of Single-payer or Medicare-for-all legislation that would make quality healthcare access a reality for all Americans.
Our Keys economy is inextricably tied to the health of our environment. Water quality, sustainable fishing, and reef protection are all central components of our most valuable economic resource – the environment.
Florida Keys Democrats believe the political system and government should be open, transparent, and responsive to the people. We are committed to ethics reforms to limit the influence of special interests and lobbyists and to ensure that government at all levels is transparent and accountable to Keys residents.
We support equal pay for equal work.
Keys Democrats believe that women have the right to control their own reproductive choices, and we will fight to ensure that women have access to contraception and their right to choose will not be impeded.
The Keys Democrats will fight any efforts to undo the progress made regarding same-sex marriage.
The Party supports legalization of marijuana which would create an alternate tax base, provide palliative care for our sickest residents and release non-violent drug offenders from jail.
We also recognize the significant influence the Navy, Coast Guard and other Department of Defense operations bring to the Keys economy, and support policies that allow these agencies to complete their mission in a way that is environmentally sustainable and supports our community.
We support immigration policies that are fair to the US citizens and non-citizens who contribute to our unique economy. We support a fair and open path to citizenship for those who want to become US citizens.

Upcoming Events
We want to get to know our fellow Democrats. Join us in person for a meeting throughout the Keys, meet candidates, fundraise, or partake in important local meetings.